
Work for the Common Good 

Rebuilding a diverse working class based on locally-rooted wealth. 

We jumpstart community-owned cooperatives and transform our community.

Informed by our own experiences as leaders from the factory floor, we develop community-owned manufacturing enterprises and programs that address business resiliency, worker agency, and environmental issues.

A group of people are in a textile factory listening to a woman speaking.

Our Work

Since 2015, we’ve sparked economic change, impacting our community and beyond:




Acres in


Assets + Revenue Generated



A digital rendering on the Innovation Campus. The rendering depicts a large brick buildings with solar panels on the roof. There is a walkway between buildings lined with plants and trees. People are walking and biking around the property.

The Innovation Campus

Revitalizing a 27.87-acre brownfield, we are transforming a forgotten factory site into an hub for visionary enterprises and creative collaboration.

This project aims to propel small to mid-sized textile and furniture firms into a new era of growth and collaboration. The initial development phase features two key buildings: one for versatile manufacturing, training, and incubation; the other, a central business support hub, designed to amplify collaboration with partners across the region.