Workforce Development

Work in Burke

Work in Burke connects people with job opportunities, helps to navigate career pathways, and teaches skills that are in demand.

Our mission is to raise the rate of post-secondary credential attainment and improve local workforce connections by providing mentorship and education to individuals in Burke County.

Empowering Communities with Skill Training 

We've empowered thousands of workers with our Industrial Sewing and Upholstery programs, equipping them with marketable skills, networking opportunities, and entrepreneurial insights in key industries.

Partnering with North Carolina Community Colleges, our courses provide 96 hours of training credit.

Skilled Training

A woman of color is smiling and holding sewing materials in front of a sewing machine.


Preparing for Careers in Sewn Trades

A field with deep roots in our region, industrial sewing is experiencing a revival, and strong demand for technicians familiar with industrial machines.

Our workshop provides a practical start with local manufacturers, combining textile and machine training. Participants also visit regional manufacturers for tours and practical insights, highlighting the opportunities for creative and hands-on work in the textile sector.

A man of color is holding a chair cushion smiling looking at a woman of color. They are both wearing safety goggles.


Skills for the Furniture Industry

The demand for skilled upholsterers is on the rise. Our Upholstery Training Program prepares students for professional upholstery careers. This hands-on program, in collaboration with Western Piedmont Community College, offers 96 hours of credit and key industry connections.

Training encompasses upholstery techniques, safety, quality assessment, and foundational skills in measurements, teamwork, and problem-solving.

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